Saturday, November 3, 2007


This is my first official post as a blogger : )

Hello Blogging World! I guess to let the world know a little about me. My name is Jannese. I am a junior Biology major, History minor, pre-med. I grew up in L.A., as in Lower Alabama ; ) During high school my family moved to Birmingham, which is where I’ve been ever since.
I am currently doing molecular biology research, with the wonderful Dr. Gretchen Repasky. We’re doing research through our fellowship, which makes me a Vails Fellow. I am the vice president of the Commuter Student Union and am a general officer of Students Offering Support. I am also involved in ‘Southern Ambassadors, BSC Students for Life, the Mentoring Program, Circle K, and Beta, Beta, Beta. In addition, I am currently an inactive member of BSC College Democrats and the Black Student Union. And last but not least, I tutor through the Academic Resource Center.
My life is a little hectic right now, as I try to juggle all of the above and maintain good enough grades that will get me into Med. School. This semester I am taking Genetics, Organic Chemistry, History since the 1940, and research with Dr. Repasky. I LOVE all of my classes and professors this semester. Especially Organic. Everybody keeps saying that Organic is so hard and so many people have had to retake it. But I’m actually enjoying it, and am doing fairly well. Well until next time…