Friday, November 9, 2007

One last thing before my nap...

This has been a crazy week! I had a paper due on Monday, a revision to a paper due on Tuesday, a group project paper due on Wednesday and a group presentation to do on Thursday- not to mention all of my regular homework and such. This week I also gave a campus tour, went to a luncheon, had 9 meetings, and went to work (both jobs). I’m so glad it is the weekend!!!!

I am going home on Saturday for the first time this semester and even though it has been a long time, I still don’t really feel like going. I would rather take a nap. That may be due to my lack of sleep this week though.

I am glad the weather is cooler. Winter is my favorite season. I just love coats and scarves and the way you feel when you walk into somewhere warm after you have been out in the cold. I don’t really know what to do about the static though. I was walking around campus yesterday and my hair was standing up and my skirt was basically adhered to my legs because of the static. I was touching every metal thing I walked near and not shocking anything. If you have any solutions to such static problems, I would love to hear them!

Tonight I am going to see Taming of the Shrew- the production the theatre dept. is currently showing. Two of my good friends are the main characters. Taming of the shrew is a play by Shakespeare but BSC is doing it a little differently. The theatre department is using the original text from the play but have it set in the 1960’s. The main character is wearing white go-go boots and Beatles music is used throughout the production. It should be pretty cool!

I can’t think of much else to say today. I guess my brain is just maxed out. I’m going to take a nap now. Hopefully next time I post on here I will be capable of forming thoughts and better sentences. My apologies!

P.S. If you are not already an avid napper, by the time you are a senior I hope you have learned the art. I have mastered it!