Sunday, November 11, 2007

Late, late, for a very important date!

Well, my goodness. I usually post on Tuesdays, but I totally forgot this week! Please forgive me.

The last time I wrote, I was waiting for news for many different aspects of my life. Was my Interim approved? Did I get into Oxford for the next summer? When am I going to finish my history research paper? These types of questions have consumed my mind. I have good news! My interim project was approved, with some minor changes to be made. I was accepted into the Oxford program, and I got into my top choices for classes! That research paper... well, it is still haunting me. Two out of three is not bad! At least my plans for the future are working out!

I am really ready for Thanksgiving Break. I have a history research paper, sociology research paper draft, and education website all due before I leave. However, next Tuesday after my class is over, I am heading home! I have not been able to go home as much as I would have liked, but Thanksgiving will be a great catch up, especially on sleep.

I saw Taming of the Shrew this weekend. It was great! I was a little confused at the beginning, but by the end I had a permanent smile on my face. One character was absolutely hilarious. Five of my sorority sisters were in the play and two of them were the lead roles. I was really excited to see what they have been practicing for so many weeks. I love our theatre department. They put so much effort and work into every show, and it pays off. As cheesey as this may sound, Go theatre!

This week is going to be a little crazy, but hopefully, all will work out. I still need to finish that research paper. How is it that something I have known about since September crept up on me? It is a mystery I have yet to solve...

Have a great week! Talk to you soon!... well, type to you soon!