Thursday, November 15, 2007

Memory's a short walk

Hello, again!

I hope this is greating you well! It is another busy week on the Hilltop. I am finishing up my 15-page research paper on the American Revolution. I am writing about women's contribution to the Revolutionary war itself. It is called, "Girls, Grab Your Guns and Spinning Wheels, the British are Coming". I am so glad that our professor lets us get a little creative.

I wanted to share something with you that has become a tradition on BSC's campus. Halloween on the Hilltop is an event we do every year. We open up the gates of the school to the community around us. Organizations and groups on campus set up booths and games for kids to play. This provides a safe place for kids across Birmingham to come trick and treat.

This picture is during set-up before all the kids arrived. We had a witch's brew. Kids dug in the "brew" to find a ping-pong ball. The ball had a number that corresponded to the pieces of candy they could receive.

The kids faces when they get candy is great. It is good to be active in the community around us. Halloween on the Hilltop is so much fun! Plus, who wouldn't want to wear a costume to class?

Channing: Fireman
Me: Tracy Turnblad (Hairspray)
Jessie: Witch, owner of the brew!

If you ever get a chance, come join us on Halloween. See you October 31, 2008!