Tuesday, October 30, 2007

First Blog!

Hello!! This is my first blog ever!

My name is Sarah and I am a junior at BSC. I am a history major, but I am in the process of getting my secondary certification to teach school. I am from Indian Springs, Alabama, which is not far from BSC.

I am the Vice President of Finance for my sorority, Academics Editor for the Southern Accent (yearbook), and I am also a member of Wesley Fellowship and Council for Exceptional Children. I am a Southern Ambassador, which is the group that gives campus tours. I am also a work-study in the Admissions office.

I should catch you up on where I am right now in school. There are a few exciting things happening! I just applied for British Studies at Oxford. If I am accepted, I will be studying history in England for the summer! I really want to go, so I hope to hear back soon. Also, I contracted my own Interim. In case you didn't know, Interim allows students to study one specific subject, travel abroad, or contract an internship during the month of January. I contracted my own study of historical films and documentaries. I am really excited about it! I am supposed to hear back from the Interim Committee sometime soon!

I am constantly busy at Birmingham-Southern. There is never a dull moment. I will keep you posted, literally!