Monday, November 12, 2007

Where to begin? Things are very hectic for me right now, so please forgive the brevity of this post.

Today was Black and Gold Day; it is a day here at BSC in which prospective students come to visit, observe classes, and tour. I had the pleasure of giving two tours today, but I'm now quite tired and I still have lots of homework to do:(

I have a research paper due for my Plural America class tomorrow and though I have been mulling over it for weeks now, it doesn't seem that it will ever be finished...I guess it will only be done when Dr. Nicholas, my professor, pries it from my hands tomorrow morning haha. I am also trying to finish up my lab homework for my psych lab tomorrow.

Also, this week is Alcohol Awareness week and I'll be busy helping out with events for the different programs associated the week.

I guess that's all for paper is calling me

Until Next time!