Monday, November 26, 2007

Christmas is near...but so are finals

Hello all! I just got back from Thanksgiving break and I am getting ready for the busy weeks ahead; we have a week and two days of classes left followed by five days of finals...but who is counting haha. This week especailly is going to be quite busy for me because I have a lab practical as well as a test in Biology. Though everyone around campus is busy getting ready for exams, we are all very excited about this Wednesday's guest lecturer, Elie Wiesel. In addition to this, the annual service of lessons and carols will be held this Friday evening as well as this coming Sunday. Well, I guess that's all until next week!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Memory's a short walk

Hello, again!

I hope this is greating you well! It is another busy week on the Hilltop. I am finishing up my 15-page research paper on the American Revolution. I am writing about women's contribution to the Revolutionary war itself. It is called, "Girls, Grab Your Guns and Spinning Wheels, the British are Coming". I am so glad that our professor lets us get a little creative.

I wanted to share something with you that has become a tradition on BSC's campus. Halloween on the Hilltop is an event we do every year. We open up the gates of the school to the community around us. Organizations and groups on campus set up booths and games for kids to play. This provides a safe place for kids across Birmingham to come trick and treat.

This picture is during set-up before all the kids arrived. We had a witch's brew. Kids dug in the "brew" to find a ping-pong ball. The ball had a number that corresponded to the pieces of candy they could receive.

The kids faces when they get candy is great. It is good to be active in the community around us. Halloween on the Hilltop is so much fun! Plus, who wouldn't want to wear a costume to class?

Channing: Fireman
Me: Tracy Turnblad (Hairspray)
Jessie: Witch, owner of the brew!

If you ever get a chance, come join us on Halloween. See you October 31, 2008!

Monday, November 12, 2007

We all sound so stressed out! Haha! Right before Thanksgiving it always gets like this!

In happy/not stressful news, Sarah and I left campus today and went to get Mexican food! It's the little things in life that make you smile!

Also, NPR's "Says You" is going to be on campus this weekend. If you know what that is you are most likely really excited and want to know when and where it is going to be (find info at If you don't know what that is then you probably think I'm a nerd because I listen to NPR- that's kind of true!

To all bloggers and readers- I wish you the best as you work through your stress!!
Where to begin? Things are very hectic for me right now, so please forgive the brevity of this post.

Today was Black and Gold Day; it is a day here at BSC in which prospective students come to visit, observe classes, and tour. I had the pleasure of giving two tours today, but I'm now quite tired and I still have lots of homework to do:(

I have a research paper due for my Plural America class tomorrow and though I have been mulling over it for weeks now, it doesn't seem that it will ever be finished...I guess it will only be done when Dr. Nicholas, my professor, pries it from my hands tomorrow morning haha. I am also trying to finish up my lab homework for my psych lab tomorrow.

Also, this week is Alcohol Awareness week and I'll be busy helping out with events for the different programs associated the week.

I guess that's all for paper is calling me

Until Next time!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Late, late, for a very important date!

Well, my goodness. I usually post on Tuesdays, but I totally forgot this week! Please forgive me.

The last time I wrote, I was waiting for news for many different aspects of my life. Was my Interim approved? Did I get into Oxford for the next summer? When am I going to finish my history research paper? These types of questions have consumed my mind. I have good news! My interim project was approved, with some minor changes to be made. I was accepted into the Oxford program, and I got into my top choices for classes! That research paper... well, it is still haunting me. Two out of three is not bad! At least my plans for the future are working out!

I am really ready for Thanksgiving Break. I have a history research paper, sociology research paper draft, and education website all due before I leave. However, next Tuesday after my class is over, I am heading home! I have not been able to go home as much as I would have liked, but Thanksgiving will be a great catch up, especially on sleep.

I saw Taming of the Shrew this weekend. It was great! I was a little confused at the beginning, but by the end I had a permanent smile on my face. One character was absolutely hilarious. Five of my sorority sisters were in the play and two of them were the lead roles. I was really excited to see what they have been practicing for so many weeks. I love our theatre department. They put so much effort and work into every show, and it pays off. As cheesey as this may sound, Go theatre!

This week is going to be a little crazy, but hopefully, all will work out. I still need to finish that research paper. How is it that something I have known about since September crept up on me? It is a mystery I have yet to solve...

Have a great week! Talk to you soon!... well, type to you soon!

Friday, November 9, 2007

One last thing before my nap...

This has been a crazy week! I had a paper due on Monday, a revision to a paper due on Tuesday, a group project paper due on Wednesday and a group presentation to do on Thursday- not to mention all of my regular homework and such. This week I also gave a campus tour, went to a luncheon, had 9 meetings, and went to work (both jobs). I’m so glad it is the weekend!!!!

I am going home on Saturday for the first time this semester and even though it has been a long time, I still don’t really feel like going. I would rather take a nap. That may be due to my lack of sleep this week though.

I am glad the weather is cooler. Winter is my favorite season. I just love coats and scarves and the way you feel when you walk into somewhere warm after you have been out in the cold. I don’t really know what to do about the static though. I was walking around campus yesterday and my hair was standing up and my skirt was basically adhered to my legs because of the static. I was touching every metal thing I walked near and not shocking anything. If you have any solutions to such static problems, I would love to hear them!

Tonight I am going to see Taming of the Shrew- the production the theatre dept. is currently showing. Two of my good friends are the main characters. Taming of the shrew is a play by Shakespeare but BSC is doing it a little differently. The theatre department is using the original text from the play but have it set in the 1960’s. The main character is wearing white go-go boots and Beatles music is used throughout the production. It should be pretty cool!

I can’t think of much else to say today. I guess my brain is just maxed out. I’m going to take a nap now. Hopefully next time I post on here I will be capable of forming thoughts and better sentences. My apologies!

P.S. If you are not already an avid napper, by the time you are a senior I hope you have learned the art. I have mastered it!

Monday, November 5, 2007


My name is Mitchell Dean. I am from Memphis, TN. I am a freshman at BSC and a newbie to whole blogging world as well.
I came out of high school as the kind of jock kind of kid myself. I played football and baseball and threw in a little rec basketball on the side. I also had the opportunity to serve as the president of my senior class. That was one of the most rewarding experiences of my high school career. I got to lead a great group of seniors and establish awesome relationships with them in the process. I was also very involved in many other school organizations as well including Spanish Club, FCA, and Business Club just to name a few. I was always out on the weekends with hanging around with my group of friends looking for new and exciting ways to pass the time. (we found some interesting ones at that) :)
I was the kid who made good grades in high school, but I was never the type to study a lot. However, I knew when I was going to college that I needed a place with high quality academics and a positive social life as well. I figured there would never be a place that I could make the kind of friends like I had in Memphis while getting everything that I wanted out of an education. Yet, when I came to Southern I found that I could get just that. Upon the completion of orientation I had already started making some great friends. Everybody was so nice! I was surprised at how close knit the community was here. Then classes began and I quickly realized that the academics were no joke either. Classes are tough, but very very exciting. The small class size really fit me well, and, as a business major, I feel that it is very important to helping me progress in my field.
I can't wait to see what is to come!
Hi! My name is Matt Matlock and I am a sophomore at Birmingham-Southern College. I’m from Gadsden, AL which is about an hour north of Birmingham. My major is Psychology and I am also pursuing a minor in Biology. After college, I want to either pursue a graduate degree in clinical psychology or attend Physical Therapy school…I still have a little bit of time to decide, or at least that’s what I tell myself haha.

In addition to my school work I am also involved in several campus organizations. I am a Southern Ambassador, a member of SOS (Students Offering Support), and a I am also in the Honors Program. In addition to these activities, I work in the Admission Office.

This semester I am taking Organismal Biology, Intro to Acting, Statistics for Psychology, and Plural America. Though my classes keep me busy, I enjoy the challenges that they bring…most of the time anyway.

I guess that’s all I have for now, but I’ll update soon.

Saturday, November 3, 2007


This is my first official post as a blogger : )

Hello Blogging World! I guess to let the world know a little about me. My name is Jannese. I am a junior Biology major, History minor, pre-med. I grew up in L.A., as in Lower Alabama ; ) During high school my family moved to Birmingham, which is where I’ve been ever since.
I am currently doing molecular biology research, with the wonderful Dr. Gretchen Repasky. We’re doing research through our fellowship, which makes me a Vails Fellow. I am the vice president of the Commuter Student Union and am a general officer of Students Offering Support. I am also involved in ‘Southern Ambassadors, BSC Students for Life, the Mentoring Program, Circle K, and Beta, Beta, Beta. In addition, I am currently an inactive member of BSC College Democrats and the Black Student Union. And last but not least, I tutor through the Academic Resource Center.
My life is a little hectic right now, as I try to juggle all of the above and maintain good enough grades that will get me into Med. School. This semester I am taking Genetics, Organic Chemistry, History since the 1940, and research with Dr. Repasky. I LOVE all of my classes and professors this semester. Especially Organic. Everybody keeps saying that Organic is so hard and so many people have had to retake it. But I’m actually enjoying it, and am doing fairly well. Well until next time…