Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentine's Day Love!

Hello again!

Yes, school is back and in full-force. I am already working on two different research papers, covering the Civil War to the People's Republic of China. So far, I have been set up to go tutoring at a local high school, and I have learned how to write a program for a computer game. If you can't tell, I am in two history classes, one education class, and a computer science class. I was really nervous about computer science, but it really isn't that bad.

My birthday is tomorrow! Yes, it is Valentine's Day. Since everybody goes out to eat tomorrow night, my friends and I are going to eat at Chick fil A. I know, big party, right? But, I like the simple things. This weekend is going to be pretty crazy though. Thursday night is my birthday! Friday night, my best friend from high school is coming to visit. Saturday night is my sorority's formal. Not to mention homework. But, I love being busy.

Birmingham-Southern has a lot of things to offer, we just have to reach for them. I feel better when I am involved with different organizations and clubs on campus. Being active makes this campus even better than it already is.

Also, I want to thank you for sending me e-mails! I love to get mail. If you ever have any questions about anything, please just let us know!