Saturday, February 23, 2008

Apparently I'm an Avid Sports Fan... Who knew?

So one of my favorite parts of the spring semester is SPORTS!!! In my spare time lately I have found myself at several sporting events. I have friends on most of the sports teams here so going to games is even more special because you can support your friends and BSC at the same time. Allison, Ashley and I went to a basketball game earlier this week and took some signs for our friend Mark. We thought it would be fun to embarrass him so we made these posters with inside jokes ( which no one else probably got but we thought were hilarious!). BSC won this game and over all we have a GREAT record especially considering the fact that we are a brand new team. Both the men's and women's basketball teams have their last home games today so I'm going to go this afternoon.

Speaking of brand new teams, this year is BSC's first time to field a women's lacrosse team. I went to their first game earlier this week too. They played the University of Alabama and beat them 15 to 5!!! I was totally impressed. Oh yeah, we made posters for this game too ( this poster business has just been happening this week- I guess I was in need of a creative outlet or at-least an excuse to doodle with a marker...).

It is weird to think how much controversy there was over the switch we made form D1 to D3. Some people were very upset and some people still are but the switch has been so great in my opinion. I'm not going to lie, I wasn't originally onboard with the idea, but now I'm so glad it happened. We have gotten more sports and more students are able to participate plus the money we had tied up in the D1 program has been distributed to other parts of campus so there is more money to work with for many departments. And did I mention BSC Football!? Go Panthers!! I'm so proud of all of our teams this year- they are laying the foundation for an athletic program of excellence that will be around for years to come at Birmingham- Southern.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Breathe Deep...

Wow. I don't even know how to describe this past week, and it's only Wednesday!

Monday was insane. I went to work, class, and drove to a school in Birmingham for my first tutoring session. Not to metion I had to drive home for dinner with my parents and then drive back in time for a meeting at 9:00 pm. Crazy, I know! It is days like this Monday that make me feel like I am making progress though. I know I am busy because I am teaching, learning, and working. That is really all I want to do anyway.

This Saturday is Scholarship Day. Students from across the nation are coming for a competition for scholarships. It is really stressful for the students who come, but a lot of fun for the current students. Despite the fact that we have to get up early on a Saturday, we get to meet prospective students. It is always cool to meet people from different places.

I am just going to try this, but if there is anything in particular that you want to hear about from one of the bloggers, e-mail us! Seriously, let us know what you want to know! So, let us know if there is something you want to know. Talk to you soon...

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentine's Day Love!

Hello again!

Yes, school is back and in full-force. I am already working on two different research papers, covering the Civil War to the People's Republic of China. So far, I have been set up to go tutoring at a local high school, and I have learned how to write a program for a computer game. If you can't tell, I am in two history classes, one education class, and a computer science class. I was really nervous about computer science, but it really isn't that bad.

My birthday is tomorrow! Yes, it is Valentine's Day. Since everybody goes out to eat tomorrow night, my friends and I are going to eat at Chick fil A. I know, big party, right? But, I like the simple things. This weekend is going to be pretty crazy though. Thursday night is my birthday! Friday night, my best friend from high school is coming to visit. Saturday night is my sorority's formal. Not to mention homework. But, I love being busy.

Birmingham-Southern has a lot of things to offer, we just have to reach for them. I feel better when I am involved with different organizations and clubs on campus. Being active makes this campus even better than it already is.

Also, I want to thank you for sending me e-mails! I love to get mail. If you ever have any questions about anything, please just let us know!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Getting Back in the Swing of Things

We are now in the second week of the Spring semester here at BSC and there is already so much going on! Last Saturday, was the competition for scholarships in the arts and this coming weekend will be the scholarship competition for the theatre department followed by our academic scholarship competition day the following Saturday.

While I miss the calm that was interim, it is nice to be getting back into a steady routine with my classes. This semester is going to be a little rough for me, but I am nonethless excited about that which lies ahead. To get specific about my schedule, I am taking a Biology course, two Psychology courses, and an Art History class; as you can see, I'm going to be taking several types of courses...which is the cornerstone of the liberal arts education that BSC provides.

Well, my well-rounded curriculm calls, so that's all for now. Until next time!