Thursday, January 24, 2008

Slowing to a Stop

Well, interim is winding down. People are coming back from their various trips around the world. I love looking at people's pictures. Of course, Facebook does help with that.

I met with my Interim Sponsor, Dr. Ott. She is amazing! She has helped me SO much with my project. I am watching historical movies and writing about whether or not they can be utilized as teaching tools in secondary classrooms. It might sound boring, but it has actually been really fun. Some of the movies I have watched were made in the 1930s & 1940s. I just got an e-mail from Netflix that my "silent epic" is being sent to my house next. I had NO IDEA my new film would be silent. I'm not too excited about that. But, I am excited about finishing interim and being back at school. I miss seeing all my friends everyday!

A group of my friends and I are going to the airport on Sunday to pick up a friend who is coming back from the Italy interim. I'm sure it is going to be a fun experience seeing her again. We are probably going to cause a scene at the airport. I hope that is not a problem.

I am going to Auburn this weekend to visit some friends from high school. Interim is the perfect time to get away for a weekend and not be too worried about school work while you are gone. I can't wait to drive down there. I just don't want to see any cops on my way. :)

I can't wait for the next semester to begin! I hope you are enjoying this blog of BSC students! E-mail us if you ever have any questions!