Monday, January 14, 2008

Interim is Here!!

Hey all! Students are back at BSC from break for interim. Interim is the month of January in which students can take one call, internship, or trip. Really, all options are open for what students can do.

This year, I contracted my own Interim. I am studying historical movies and determining whether or not they are historically accurate and if they can be utilized as teaching tools in secondary history classrooms. It might sound boring, but it is really interesting. Who wouldn't want to watch movies for a month and get credit for it? In the mean time, I am living at home to spend more time with my family and working with an accounting firm that I have worked for since high school.

During Interim, BSC provides many opportunities for students to have fun. They include a variety of things, from hip hop dance classes to movie trips, to Mama's Home Cooking. Moms bring a home-cooked dish to BSC, and students can come eat all the amazing foods in Bruno Great Hall. It's a pretty big deal. There is a countdown until that day in Norton Campus Center.

Since I am living off campus, I have missed most of the activities. However, this past weekend, my old roommate and I went to Atlanta to visit my sorority sister who graduated last year. She graduated majoring in Business and she is now the marketing director for a business outside of Atlanta. She played volleyball at BSC and now coaches a club team down the street from her office. She showed us the ropes of Atlanta. We visited Georgia Tech, the CNN center, IKEA (my favorite), and many other things. It was a great weekend trip! We tried to make it as cheap as possible so we stocked a cooler with food from the cafe and convenience store at school. It really helped! We didn't have to buy snacks or lunch for each day that we were there. The entire trip was fun! It was also really encouraging to see a current BSC graduate with a great apartment, great job, and great plans for her future. You can always hear about all the amazing opportunities, but to see them in real-life is wonderful.

Well, I hope your January is great! I will catch back up with you later!