Sunday, March 2, 2008

This weekend several students from BSC, myself included, attended the YMCA's Collegiate Legislature. It is the college version of Youth-Leg for those of you who are familiar with that. It was BSC's first time to send a delegation to the event and we did really well. Of the 5 bills we took 3 passed, one in both the house and senate. We were chosen as the best delegation at the conference. One of the members of our delegation was selected as the outstanding delegate and one of our bills was chosen as the best bill at Collegiate Legislature. Basically we dominated as expected. Above is our delegation in Montgomery on the steps of the capitol building.

My roommate and I were talking earlier about how weird the weather has been this week. We realized that we have had hail, sleet, tornadoes, snow, rain and 73+ degree weather all in just 7 days. It is a little insane. Every morning I wake up and put my hand on the window pane to see how warm/cold it is that day. A cold window pane means I should wear layered clothing since it will most likely be much warmer by lunch time. During my time at BSC I have learned to love my pink rain boots which I bought in the spring of my freshman year. When it rains around here if you aren't wearing boots then your feet are going to be soaked. It is all of the hills I think. The rain water is running down the hill as you are walking up the hill... you get the picture. Bottom line- this week we have had crazy weather!!!

Until later...