Friday, March 21, 2008

This week has been rough. Sleeping didn't happen too much but that's ok because now it is SPRING BREAK!!!! Midterms are killer- I always end up with a ton of stuff due in every class at the same time the week before spring break. It makes it even worse because all I can think about is being at the beach! Well, all of my papers are done, take home midterm exam complete, Art critique- survived, project proposal submitted... With all of that behind me I will be leaving this afternoon to go home for the weekend. On Sunday after church I am catching a flight to the Bahamas for 6 days!!!!

In other news, two weeks ago Birmingham-Southern launched the Destiny: Delivered Campaign. Basically BSC will be raising 100 million dollars over the next ten years which is exciting ( Get more info here For the launch there was a huge party on campus for Alumni. 60 or so students helped out with the event because it was massive. I got to host one of the awesome alumni being honored at the event; Ansley Collins a BSC graduate of 2001 who now works for NASA as a TOPO- basically she coordinates the docking of the space shuttle with the international space station. It was really fun. Below is a picture of newly elected SGA president Trey Cotney and I at the event. I wish everyone could have been there it was so pretty and all of the speeches and presentations made me so proud to be a Student ( and soon to be Alumna) here at Birmingham-Southern. Of course that was the desired effect. The point of the evening was to impress the alumni so they will give the big bucks toward the campaign. I was convinced and I don't have the big bucks that's for sure. It takes a lot of money to run BSC ( an average of $100 a minute). Tuition, while expensive, is only half the cost of a student's time at BSC and most student's don't pay full tuition- they have scholarships from the School which are funded by the annual fund ( which is where the $100 Million from the Destiny: Delivered campaign is going). Anyway I guess what I am trying to say is that while I may spend a lot of my time stressed out and angry that I have big papers due or what not I know that it is all worth it for a degree from this place. Not only is it an outstanding college in the academic realm it also has left me more well rounded- knowledgeable of the problems in the world around me globally and locally, comfortable to discuss tough issues, more open in my world view and a little less socially awkward :) .