Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Kacey's first post!

Hello blogging world!
I guess I need to introduce myself. I’m Kacey and I am a senior at BSC. As you can read in my profile I am an International studies major with a minor in studio art. I am in the leadership studies program as well. I am from Athens, Alabama which is near Huntsville (about an hour and a half north of Birmingham). I am in the process of registering for my final semester here at Southern’ and am so nervous and excited at the same time.
Here on campus I keep myself quite busy. This semester I am taking Spanish 350- Latinos in the United States with Dr. Jessica Ramos, Environmental Studies 150- Intro to Environmental Studies which is being co-taught by Dr. Scott Duncan and Jeanne Jackson, and Political Science 340- Comparative Elite Behavior with Dr. Natalie Davis. I am also taking the junior year practicum for leadership studies. I started the Leadership Studies program last year, as a junior, instead of as a sophomore as is usual. So I am taking the junior year class this semester and in the spring I will be finishing up the program with LS400- the senior capstone in Leadership Studies. The junior year practicum requires that each student volunteer with a community organization for the semester and observe the leadership styles and organizational structure. I am interning at KPI Latino, which is a company that markets to the Spanish speaking population of Birmingham. I work there three days a week in the mornings before class. After class I work a couple of nights a week at “Phone-A-Thon.” This is a branch of BSC’s office of Institutional Advancement. We call alumni, update their contact information and then see if we can finesse them into making a contribution to the annual fund. The annual fund provides for scholarships, academic programming, faculty salaries and whatever else the college needs. It is all students working at Phone-A-Thon and we have lots of fun. Talking to alumni is pretty entertaining too. You learn all kinds of stuff about Birmingham Southern and what it was like in years past. My favorite alumni are the older ones. They have the best stories and they, for the most part, really enjoy talking to current students and catching up with what is going on around here. They receive plenty of mail from Southern with updates but hearing the opinion of an actual student seems to really make them happy. I guess you always want to think of something as how it was when you left it, but in a world of change that just can’t be so. In 20 years when someone calls me- you better believe they are going to be on the phone for a while. I have a lot of stories to tell about this place and I will want to make sure it is still as fantastic as it was when I left the hilltop.
More later…