Monday, July 7, 2008

Hello from England!!

Hello! I apologize for the being possibly one of the worst bloggers ever. I have not made a post in over three months! Exams and the relaxation of summer captured me!

I am writing you from OXFORD, ENGLAND! I am studying abroad through a program called British Studies at Oxford. There are four Birmingham-Southern students here, and we are all taking different classes at St. John's College of Oxford University. I have only been here a week, but it has already been amazing!

Oxford as a city is beautiful and rich with history. In my history of science class, my professor always says, "Just a five minute walk" or "Just 300 yards from where you are sitting" and names some major discovery in science, and thus in history, that happened near where we are. Oxford brings out this amazing drive to work hard, study hard, and play hard for me. I am surrounded by the most brilliant minds in the world. I am just a lowly undergrad student from Indian Springs, Alabama, but I can discuss Aristotle, Galileo, and even Thomas Jefferson with some of the most intelligent people this world has ever seen. I am learning form the people who wrote the books on the subject. Seriously, for both of my classes, the professors gave us copies of their books or works on the subject. How amazing is that?

Dr. Tatter and Dr. Ullrich, two members of the English Literature faculty, are teaching classes here. So far it has been more than I have ever imagined. This weekend, two of us BSC-kids are going to Ireland. The weekend after that we are all going to Stonehenge through an excursion with BSAO. The weekend after that, a few of us are going to Brussels, Belgium. You basically can't come to Europe and not go to more than one country. As my Dad says, traveling country to country in Europe is like traveling state to state in America.
I hope you are having an enjoyable summer!

The Birmingham-Southern crew at the garden party behind St. John's College. It is an honor (and big deal) that we are allowed on the lawn two specific times during our weeks at the college. Left to Right:Matt Maloy (sophomore), David Miller (senior), Sarah Kloewer (senior), and Kerry Patterson (senior)

At St. John's college pub for coffee or tea in between classes and before our common lecture. I will probably come home with an addiction to coffee. We should start a tea/coffee time at Birmingham-Southern.