Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Headed Home for the Holidays

Well, it is almost over; the end of the semester is near. I have one more final left this week and then I'm headed home for the holidays. I am so excited!!! As it draws to a close and I look back, I see that this semester has flown by so quickly. It seems that it was only a few weeks ago that I was helping move in new students, and now those same students are finishing their first semesters as college students.

Though I am very excited about the break, I must admit that I will definately miss my friends at BSC while I am gone, but we will all be back for interim very soon. I guess that is all for now, I need to get back to preparing for my final exam and finish my packing. Happy Holidays!!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Sunday, December 2, 2007


I can't believe that the year is almost over. Our last day of class is Tuesday! This year went by so quickly.

Tonight, I volunteered with the Church Relations office and the President's Student Service Organization to work the 71st Annual Service of Lessons and Carols. It was awesome! Southern Chorale, Concert Choir, and Alumni Choir all perform different songs. I love the alumni choir! It is really cool to see all these graduates come back to still sing in the service.

Speaking of alums, I had a thought hit me the other day that really made me think. One thing that I love about Birmingham-Southern is the spirit of learning. I am surrounded by individuals, students, professors, and staff, who are constantly working to improve themselves and others. There are always conversations about interesting topics, debates over intense issues, and events raising money for philanthropies. This spirit pushes me to reach my goals. No matter how cliche or hoakie it may sound, I love that feeling that I am surrounded by successful and ambitious people. When I graduate and start working, will I still be surrounded by that feeling? I can only hope so.

Exams are this week and next week. I am not really sure how I am going to survive these next two weeks. I'm sure there will be lack of sleep, forgetting to eat, and anxiety attacks accompanying every study session. There is one thing that I know for sure. I am working and fighting for success. After that happens, I am going to go home, eat my Momma's cooking, and sleep. Oh yeah, and watch TV. I have missed a whole season of Ugly Betty!